Judson's Legacy

Enormous Eruption


It is proven that moving homes ranks high on stress charts—our move has been no exception.  I have found the process to be physically demanding, exhausting and taxing.

And though the bodily strains are readily apparent, especially as I was putting up some of our final decorations in the last stages of tangibly settling into our home, my deep sighs of physical relief gave way to vast emotional tensions surfacing within me.  It is as though they were perched in the corners of my heart like ravenous vultures waiting to devour once my defenses were down.

And suddenly I was assaulted by an array of feelings that left me crumpled on the floor wondering what struck me, trying to assess my wounds—so many thoughts, experiences and feelings I had pushed aside to plod through the strains of our transition. 

While a multiplicity of emotions are still swirling in my heart like a tornado, I am reminded once again that much of my emotional health requires taking the time and energy to deal directly with the numerous feelings frequently stirring inside me; ignoring them almost guarantees an enormous eruption.

What are some healthy ways you deal with your emotional stress?

Categories: general life


7 Responses to "Enormous Eruption"

  1. Traci says:

    Hi Christina!

    I’ve started (kind of!) running to help with stress and just get fit but it is great for stress. So’s a good mocha with a friend!

    I would LOVE love love to see you soon!!!!

  2. Sue says:

    I am always in awe of how our Lord stretches your faith and extends His unfailing love to you. Praying for you, my friend.

  3. Michal says:

    I find that I crave my Bible when I’m deeply feeling strong negative emotions. The Lord has never failed to encourage me when I crack the Word and truly seek His voice. I also find that Christian music is helpful and I sometimes work out my feelings with a brisk prayer walk.

  4. Angie Green says:

    Dear Christina,

    I can relate with what you are feeling, as Bob and I relocated to Ft. Collins, CO in 2008 leaving the State we lived in for 50 years, where we married, had our children, raised our children, saw our sons married and where they had their children. We lived in the same house for 30 years and moving out of that house was traumatic for both of us.

    Though we are happy here, we have both experienced a variety of emotions since making the move and the transition has been challenging and difficult at times and though we know in this life nothing lasts forever and nothing stays the same, change is hard, especially when sorrow is our companion because of the loss of our son, Kevin.

    One of the ways I handlestress is to make time to be alone to reflect and pray about what is stressing me – asking God to help me get at the root of the cauye of the stress. Sometimes it’s as simple as needing a nap or some refreshment, relaxation and fun. Long walks or a long bike ride (the last one was 15 miles) seems to get the cobwebs out best for me – any kind of exercise releaves tension and stress and rejuvenates.

    Also, I try to make time for quiet moments alone with God, "for God whispers and the world is loud." Cooking a huge meal for family and friends, setting lovely, fun or celebrative tables with LOTS of color perks me up. And, when I throw myself into something greater than myself or my circumstances with an element of serving others I become stress "FREE" again.

    We are living in challenging, stressful and perilous times and holding onto Jesus and to the ones I love keeps me at peace.

    Bless you, Christina, as you continue on your journey through grief while sojourning through this life. With much love in Christ – Angie

  5. Freya Remmer says:

    I have cut and pasted your line: "much of my emotional health requires taking the time and energy to deal directly with the numerous feelings frequently stirring inside me".

    That was really good. I’ve told myself that again and again, yet the "time and energy" piece can be challenging- especially the energy. It often feels emotionally exhausting for me, but the best way I find release from the stress and pain of life is by turning on a worship CD (Rita Springer’s my favorite) and lying on the ground and crying my eyes out before God. He always comes and comforts my soul. He brings peace and encouragement like nothing else. He’s amazing.

    Hang in there through this transition!


  6. Kristy says:

    1. Make a list of the things I’m stressed about.
    2. Then I look at the things I can do something about, things that I have some level of control over. I begin to chart a plan on what TO DO about them (As you know, my love language is acts of service, so I’m naturally gravitating to DOING stuff…)
    3. Those things over which I have no control, I start to pray. I write out(because that’s DOING something while praying)my prayers and petitions, remembering that it is MY will that must align with God’s, not HIS will aligning with mine.
    4. By then I’ve usually settled on 1-2 things that I can DO, that I can CHECK OFF MY LIST, and 1-2 things that I feel on the same page with God aobut.
    5. I may not have ALL the stressors on my list dealt with, but taking those first steps settles my heart and mind.
    6. If you didn’t notice, I like lists.
    7. xoxo, Kristy

  7. Robyn Morton says:

    When possible, I try to retreat from everyone and have just "alone" time. I go for walks (weather permitting; I do NOT walk outside when it’s cold!), talk with God, and try to imagine myself sitting on a beach, listening to the soothing sounds of the waves. Sometimes, though, all you can do is let the emotions roll over you for awhile.

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