Judson's Legacy

Be Still


It seems most of my recent journal entries end with, “I am waiting, Lord.  I am waiting,” or something similar.  I have been in a long, hard season where I feel as though I am being called to wait.  Because of this, a recent reading from Spurgeon resonnated deeply with my heart; I felt inclined to share it here:

“Wait on the Lord.”—Psalm 27:14 

Waiting may seem like an easy thing, but it’s a posture of heart most people cannot learn without years of refining.

Being in motion is much easier for God’s people than being still.

Even the most willing spirit, anxiously desiring to serve the Lord, may not know the direction of his leading, which can be so perplexing. What are the faithful to do? Shall we rush forward in presumption?  Do we lose heart or cower in fear? No, we must simply wait!

However, we must wait in prayer. Call upon God. Express your innermost thoughts to him; tell him your difficulties while calling upon his promises. When faced with a dilemma, humble yourself, with a surrendered heart, and wait upon the Lord.

Furthermore, it is important to know our limitations while boldly seeking guidance for God’s will.  We must wait in faith with an unstaggering confidence in the Lord; for unfaithful, untrusting waiting is an insult to God.  Be certain that if he keeps you waiting even until the last minute, that he will come, and it will be at the right time.

Wait with stillness and patience, not dissenting because of your affliction, but blessing and praising God in it. Never gripe about his plan, as the children of Israel did; do not wish for the past, but accept your life as it stands.  Embrace your circumstances, without stubbornness, committing your situation into the hands of your covenant God. 

Cry out to him saying, “Lord, not my will, but yours be done. I don’t know what to do; I am experiencing the limits of myself, but I will wait until you calm the floodwaters, and drive back our enemies, inviting me to proceed. I will wait, even if you delay for a long while.  My heart is fixed upon you alone, O God.  My spirit waits for you with full conviction that you will ever be my joy and my salvation, my refuge and my strong tower. Amen.”

Adapted by Christina from C. H. Spurgeon, Morning by Morning, August 30, 2010

I am waiting, Lord.  I am waiting.

9 Responses to "Be Still"

  1. Sue Sanchez says:

    Thank you for sharing this… it really touched my heart. I have a friend that calls this "the waiting room". We may not all be waiting for the same thing but God has called us to wait. To listen intently on that still small voice, "wait on me" I know what is best for you. I hated this at first, it was very uncomfortable for me but now, I am seeing more and more enjoyment and peace that only He can give.
    Again thank you for sharing!

  2. Dorci says:

    Thank you, Christina.

  3. Mike says:

    Nice hiatus! About as long as a mushroom is tall. However, I am thankful that you shared. A timely reminder.

  4. Dawn Mills says:

    Thank you, Christina. I too have found myself in a time of struggle..an unsettled time lately. I needed this post today. I will keep you in my prayers, dear friend, as you faithfully wait.
    Much love….

  5. Kristy says:

    Christina and Drake,
    I’ve been thinking a lot about you guys this week. maggie began Kindergarten this morning. I guess Judson would have been beginning kindergarten too…sigh…
    Prayer for patience and endurance for you both.
    Much love,

  6. Gina says:

    Hi friend! I believe God is using friends to direct my attention to his desire that I wait… and wait patiently. I’ve seen the consistent impatience in my heart and am amused how many opportunities there are in life to practice patience. But there are rare times when waiting is "forced". Right now there is nothing I can do to alleviate my discomfort, frustrations, and desire to be done with this challenge. I am 9 months pregnant with #4. I did not choose this pregnancy…. quite the opposite (I’ll have to tell you the story). My due date is Sept 7th. I’ve made it through the months and now the end is the hardest. I was convinced I would have an August baby. The days continue to pass and I’m so very irritable. I also realized even when this little boy is born and I "get my body back"… I will still trade one hard for another hard. And I will still give of my physical body beyond what feels preferable.

    So thank you for writing and sharing your thoughts. I especially needed to read the link to your "waiting" post back in May.

    Much love.

  7. Freya Remmer says:

    Hi Christina,

    I read your blog last week, but I didn’t have a chance to comment. I saved my email because I wanted to make sure I sent you a note to tell you how excited I was to see that there was a post from you. I am always so encouraged in the Lord with everything you say… no matter what it is you’re saying.

    I hope your hiatus is going well.. getting those journal entries filled is supposed to be good for us. I think of you often…


  8. Angie Green says:

    Dear Christina,

    Glad you picked up the blog pen and wrote again – good to hear what’s going on in your journey through grief.

    A year prior to Kevin’s death in 2002, the Lord impressed upon my heart that I was living a fast-paced life that was taking me no where. At that time, only months before our loss of our precious son, Jesus drew me into a season of waiting and a quiet stillness that has changed my life and my relationship with Him and others. I’m very glad to see that you are also being called in stillness, which I have found is the doorway to peace.

    Bless you, as you continue to trust and wait upon the Lord – there’s much ahead for you . . . .
    "Make time for quiet, for God whispers and the world is loud." -Unknown
    In Christ,

  9. Lisa Myers says:

    What a blessing this was to read. Thank you for sharing your heart. Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord. Amen.

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