Judson's Legacy


Judson’s occupational and physical therapists gave us a windchime when Jud died.  They shared how they wanted the ringing of the chime to remind of us of our boy and how much he loves us.

Ironically, the wind never seemed to blow enough to cause it to chime.  Since placing it outside our window on a wrought iron hook next to our hummingbird feeder, the sound had never penetrated our home to reach my ears…

Until the evening of December 24th, Jud’s birthday, and the morning of December 25th, Christmas day…

I was awoken from a dead sleep to a beautiful sound reverberating from Jud’s windchime.  It continued all night like a chorus of angels singing directly to me.  Wonderful music was pouring into our bedroom on a night filled with grief and sorrow, music specifically intended to prompt memories of our little man.

It felt like God was giving me a timely gift to encourage my heart and remind me that Jud is very much alive in heaven.

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