Judson's Legacy


A poem I’ve written in honor of the 1st anniversary of the homegoing of my sweet Judson:

My sweet, sweet little child,
A year ago you breathed your last.
Ever still I miss your smile
And long for moments past.

Plunged into depths of sorrow
When you vanished from this place,
I’ve endured each new tomorrow
Without the beauty of your face.

My every breath is marked with pain
Like thorns crammed in my chest,
And happiness I cannot feign
Since you’ve been laid to rest.

With quiet desperation
I take on each new day.
Scarred by separation
From my boy who could not stay.

I wonder how I will survive
A lifetime with this ache,
But thankful that you live and thrive;
True life, death could not take.

My precious child, you disappeared.
12 months have vanished too.
My heart is deeply, deeply seared
And now begins year two.
But someday, all these hurts will clear.
I’ll embrace your frame anew.
This painful life will disappear,
Your face again in view.

9 Responses to "Vanished"

  1. laura says:

    That is so beautiful. Continuing to pray for and grieve with you and your family.

  2. Mariana Magness says:

    Dear Christina and Drake,
    I pray that you find comfort in your journey. Beautiful and very clear poem.
    Life is so hard to understand sometimes, keep it strong.

  3. Jean and Gary Butler says:

    Oh, love your heart….what a beautiful poem!!!!
    You are such an amazing family. Our hearts just go
    out to you today. Jud would want you to remember the happy times….so today….look not in sorrow….but in JOY for Jud’s short but precious time with you.We just love you all so much!!!!!! Jean and Gary
    "Weeping shall endureth the night but JOY cometh in the morning"

  4. sabrina gavriilidis says:

    Absolutely breathtaking…

    Once again, you and your sweet Judson have brought tears to my eyes. I never knew these eyes of mine were capable of so many, many tears. I hurt with you Christina, not in the same way of course, but I can’t help but feel this terrible sense of such a great loss every time I see your sweet boys face. Jud has left not only a hole in my heart, but a hole in the world that could never be filled.


  5. Catherine Fenton says:

    What a beautiful poem for a beautiful boy. My heart and thoughts are with you everyday…and especially today on this most painful of anniversaries and memories of your beloved Jud Bud.

    xo Cath

  6. hh says:


    I don’t know how many poems you have written in your lifetime up until now, but this must have been the most painful one to write. I could feel the agony in your words….you chose each word so carefully and with such love for your boy.

    What a gift of writing and communicating you have been given! To God alone be ALL of the glory as He continues to use your words to touch, help, and heal many, many hearts.

    Loved being able to hug you in person today! Our prayers continue every day for you and Drake and Jessie.

    Much love, Heather and Mark

  7. Cathy Horner says:

    You are touching the inner core of many; thank you for your writings and your raw truths.
    I remember your little man at Ella’s birthday parties, and what a darling, bright and curious little guy. He had a smile that could light up the town and a laugh that was sweet and giggley, what an awsome gift from God. What is God’s plan, I often wonder…He is using you to do His works, and a well obedient servant you are!
    You are in my prayers today and often,
    Cathy Horner

  8. Sarah Johnson says:

    Christina, it was such a blessing to see you again. This is a beautiful poem. I am continuing to pray for you. Much love, Sarah

  9. aunt sue says:

    Dear Christy,

    What a heartfelt, beautiful yet difficult poem. Your pain and love come through Christy. May the Comforter wrap his arms around you and hold you tight. What a gift your sentiment is, in that God is going to use it to bless and comfort others. Love, aunt Sue

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