Judson's Legacy

Three Years Without Jud


Dear family and friends…

Today we face into the third anniversary of the day death tore Judson from our arms.  Sometimes, as a protective mechanism, I try to reason out why today need not be any different than every other day we live without Jud, but my heart knows the gravity of what occurred in our lives three years ago, and the pain cannot be denied.

We remember.  And our hearts ache.

We remember the wretchedness of what Jud experienced in his last days.  We remember the powerlessness we felt.  We remember all of our fears that have since been realized.  We remember how our hopes for healing were snuffed out.  We remember our shock.  We remember.  We remember.  We remember.

And it hurts to remember.  But we remember, nonetheless.  We remember because we love Jud and cannot forget.   We remember because it is these days that have shaped every subsequent day of our lives.  We remember because in the remembering we see the weight of what God has done through his sacrifice. 

In our remembering we are brought to our knees, desperate for grace, desperate for our own healing, desperate to be more than we are now, desperate for God to redeem our pain.  In our remembering we gain glimpses into our life to come—into the life that Judson began experiencing the day he was torn from our arms—and our strength, hope, and faith are renewed.  God seems to meet us in our remembering.  And so we remember.

Thank you to all who remember with us.  We have been incredibly moved by the number of people who are mindful of our family and have especially reached out to share their love for us and Judson during this season.

With Brokenness & Hope,
Christina (on behalf of Drake & Jessie too)

P.S. Drake and I both wrote letters to Judson for today.  Find Turn Back TIme and A Short, Sweet Song on our blogs.

P.P.S  We are so blessed to have had several people choose to honor Judson by making videos of him to commemorate his three years in heaven.  Each one is a sweet gift.  I will be posting them on Judson’s Facebook page over the next couples days, but wanted to share this one here.  Thank you Millie, a friend we have never met, who clearly poured a ton of love into this beautiful video:

21 Responses to "Three Years Without Jud"

  1. God Bless you and continue to give you strength. Your gift was taken away from earth too soon but this time will be considered very short when you reunite!

  2. Our hearts and prayers are with you all..love your hearts.Just keep remembering that very soon you will be with Jud again!!!
    Love and Prayers~
    Jean and Gary

  3. Traci says:

    Friends, oh my heart aches. I sit here looking at my Katie who is exactly one week younger than Jud was when he died and I cannot imagine… My dear friends, we love you and we think of you and pray for you often.

  4. David says:

    This makes me smile and makes me cry, and we all ask why. Why did God need you so soon. You must be a Saint in Heaven. Hugs and Kisses forever Buddy.

  5. Amy Dresher says:

    Your family continues to be on my mind. My heart breaks for you as you endure another anniversary of a year without Judson. I hope you feel the love and prayers from my family to your’s today and always!

    Amy and family

  6. Gina says:

    I grieve with you today.

  7. Amy Moore says:

    This was a great video.My thoughts and prayers are with youand your family today.I dont understand and I guess I never will,why God needed to take Judson so soon.But one thing is for certain,one day you and your family will be reunited with him,and he will be the playful cheerful young beautiful boy like before..Luv you Jud Budâ?¥…You Jud,are always in my thoughts… =)

  8. I never know what to say…. but I always want to say something because I want you know that my heart and my tears are with you. Here’s something I was reading last night. It’s better to listen to God’s voice than mine anyway.

    Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him. James 1:12

    You guys have been called by God to live out one of the most difficult truths in God’s word. You trust that God is always, and has always been, on your side. You have chosen to get up each day and cling to His goodness. On a day like today, it is excruciating. But you are doing it faithfully- because you love and trust our Creator. Thanks for demonstrating the reality of your Christian faith to so many in this world. Love to each of you.

  9. Marissa S says:

    Levasheff family,

    Thinking of you today (and often). I don’t know what to say to help ease your pain, but please know I love you. I am thankful for Jusdon (and Matthew), that they have brought our families together.

    Praying for peace for you.

  10. Angie Green says:

    Dear Ones,
    Your words are our words on the anniversary date of our son, Kevin. Our hearts are turned your way and our prayers brought before our Father, the Eternal One who has and holds our sons now and forevermore. Your example of how to grieve and live without Jud is a blessing to all who have the opportunity to witness your journey through grief. May you continue to wrestle and rest in the reality of your pain and loss with the Lord our God at the epicenter of your brokeness. Bless you all today and everyday! In Christ, Angie and Bob

  11. im praying for your family today ive been thinking about judson alot lately he was taken way to soon with a smile always on his face and he had great parents..Miss you jud

  12. WOW…an amazing video about an amazing little boy who continues to touch the hearts of many.

  13. Denise says:

    Dear Christine, Drake and Jessie,

    Three things today brought tears to my eyes as I remembered you on this day. On the way to church I heard Third Day’s "Cry out to Jesus"; at church the bulletin cover had this scripture, "I am with you, says the Lord" Haggai 2:4; and on the way home Natalie Grant’s song, "Better Hands Now". Praying God’s peace for you today.

    Much love,

  14. Samanta says:

    My prayers and thoughts are especially with all of you today. Three years without Jud… I admire your strenght and courage to go on until you meet in Heaven again.
    I cannot but think about my son. He’s three years old.
    Juddy, you had gone too soon…

    All my love,

  15. Grieving and weeping with you today. What a beautiful video of Judson’s life and legacy. My 6 year old reminded me this morning, we need to pray for Judson’s family, they are really sad today.
    We love you and you are all in our hearts always!
    We will never forget sweet Judson.

    Lots of Love,
    Sandy Mitchell

  16. Darlene says:

    Thinking of you today. Beautiful video Millie.

  17. We are remembering Jud today. Our prayers, thoughts and hearts are with you today. Thank you for sharing your lives with us — you have all touched us deeply. Love, The Wolf Family

  18. this is a beautiful video that show all the things that Judson was to everyone.he lives on in our hearts everyday.we love you Judson!!

  19. Sandy says:

    Thanks for reminding me of others who are suffering through this holiday season. I know that you are missing Judson still very much. I wish we had a window into Heaven to see how he is doing but am very assured that God is taking good care of him. He was God’s before he was even yours. I know that you are using all of this for good, and will continue to pray, that it will help others going through some of these same things. My prayer for you today is to enjoy the moments of today. The little girl before you, who has graced your life with her own very special gifts. Jesus who was born on this day is remembered as a child, but because of His birth, gives us hope for tomorrow, joy for today and the salvation for eternity. Blessings in the New year with a new home, new perspective, and new life in your spirit.

  20. Tamie Beach says:

    Friends ~ I’ve always had compassion on you and grieved with you over the loss of Judson, but now that I have a daughter of my own, I feel your loss on such a deeper level. And yet, I’m so glad to read of your joy this Christmas and in all that God is doing in your lives and of the healing you’re experiencing! Bless you Christina

  21. jeannie says:

    just want you to know that your faith in god amazes me. Judson is an inspiration the faith that little man had was definitely sent from god himself. awareness is the biggest key to resolving things, i pray for a cure and better testing for infants every where. there is a purpose for everything we can’t always see it and it may not come in a way we expect it to, but when the time comes god will send the message loud and clear. GOD BLESS YOU ALL

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