We are absolutely thrilled with this book cover and cannot thank you all enough for your feedback in our poll. It was extremely informative for us!
I had originally had my heart set on the hospital gown picture where Judson is looking to the side, but it became clear that was not the picture that drew people in most (over 72% out of almost 300 votes chose one of the covers with Judson looking forward—that’s HUGE!). Interestingly, it was a almost a tie between people who wanted the light versus the dark color, though the light cover ended up ahead by just a bit. So it came down to our preference and, as you can see, we chose the light cover. It seems to have a softer, warmer feel to me while being a more reflective and hopeful hue.
So this is the final version. Pretty exciting, huh?
Many have asked when the book will be released. The publishing journey is really long! Though the manuscript is complete, already edited, and now we have a cover, it is still not expected to be released until the beginning of next year (though we are hopeful for a pre-release date in November or December—which means the books are available, but only through certain venues). The next step is for the inside layout, then design of the back cover, and then the final step which takes almost two months is to get the book set for distribution (meaning it will be available on all major book sites…Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.)
We are so grateful for your interest and commitment to this project. It means a great deal to us!
*A special thanks to my friend Alissa Clark who helped me put together the mock up covers for the second poll based on the original from the publisher. Didn’t she do an AWESOME job?!!? She is also one of the designers for Judson’s website—and she has done all of this simply out of the kindness of her heart. Thank you Alissa!*
I shall sulk because you didn’t choose my favourite !!!!!!!
Ken. XX
I love the final cover! It’s awesome. I cannot wait for Judson’s story to be out on the shelves of bookstores everywhere, impacting so many. I will definitely be picking up a copy of the book when the time comes and recommending it to everyone. Congratulations on this step complete in the publishing process. I know Judson is so proud of all you are doing in his name and is smiling down on his wonderful family.
Much love to your family always,
Marissa Shilling
This was my favorite cover and the one I voted for! 🙂 I can’t wait until the book comes out!
This was my fave pick… His eyes popped right out to me on this one…which I thought was so appropriate for the title of this book. I cannot wait to buy this book and recommend it to my friends and family who too, have been praying whole heartedly alongside me, for you!We love you guys, and are so excited to see the blessings overflowing in abundance…from your little blessing in Jud!
i love, love, love the cover! it was my favorite out of all of them… xo
The book cover is… FANTASTIC!
I love love love it — can’t wait to get my hands on it!
This cover is perfect. Just beautiful.
I am so excited for you! This is such an amazing honor to have Judson’s story published – the cover could not be a bit more perfect, nor could his face be any cuter! I love it 🙂
I’ll anxiously be awaiting the book’s release next year.
I can’t tell you how heart warming Jud’s picture is for your book cover. I just want to pick it up and give him a kiss. His eyes have such a way of pulling you into the window of his soul. I know God is going to bless this book in a incredible way. God bless you
That cover is AWESOME!!! Really they were all good. We can’t wait to buy your book; and we will definitely be letting our prayer warriors know when it is available!!!
We are so happy for you.
We love you hon~
Jean and Gary
Sooooo excited for you guys! This book cover is perfect in every way now that I’m seeing it up close. The one you said you had your heart set on was exactly our favorite one too. But I just love this one and KNOW it’s going to draw many, many people in to buy it, read it, and be touched in huge ways (ways only God will know about but you’ll find out one day when you get to heaven! 🙂
We love you all, Christina, Drake, Jessie and Judson!!!
Big hugs from Mark and Heather
Love the book cover, can’t wait for Jud’s book to be released.
Praying for you continually.
Love Wendy
What a fantastic cover! The photo, the layout, the title, even the font… just wonderful.
Adding a little more info on the cover- "Judson’s story of hope in suffering"- allows the reader to grasp that this is a story involving illness, even without the hospital gown.
And you have Emilie Barnes sharing a foreword?! Isn’t that amazing!
I’m so glad you have finished this step! GREAT choices.
The book cover is beautiful! This photo captures Judson’s essence (especially with the white background).
His amazing, enormous eyes draw us in. Who in the world would not wish to read about these ‘Eyes that See’ once they’ve seen the book cover? What a blessing he is and will continue to be!
What a wonderful accomplishment by Jud’s faithful mom!
I LOVE the beautiful cover!! I CANNOT wait to have a copy of the book… I am so exicted to watch as God uses this new way of blessing more souls with Judson’s life!