Judson's Legacy

Thankful Thursday Week #21

1)      Swinging in sync while chatting with Jessie at “airplane” park.  It was a moment I wanted to tuck into my heart to remember forever.

2)      The relationship Jessie is developing with Paisley kitty.


3)      My friend Cristina’s blog post about a recent conversation with her son, Caleb.

4)      Jessie and I had such a fabulous time at Disneyland this week.  We are continually grateful to Sarah J. who gifted us with annual Disney passes!


5)      The incredibly generous gift we received this week, directly addressing one of our greatest tangible needs.

6)      The Drive 4 Hope golf tournament was a tremendous gift this week on multiple levels: the honor of speaking at the event, the opportunity for Jessie to develop further relationships with Isabella and Kaitlyn who have both lost siblings to Krabbe disease, the chance to develop deeper friendship with Kathleen & Rod Scott—the amazingly gracious and giving people who hosted the tournament and dinner in honor of their daughter Jacque, my friends Linda and Anne who drove more than two hours to attend the event in support of Judson and our family, the article about the event that appeared in the Ventura County Star newspaper, and the chance to spend extended  time with my parents who live near the tournament venue.  What a blessings on multiple levels!

The Drive Fore Hope

Jessie with Isabella who lost her sister Jacque and Kaitlyn who lost her brother Jackson.

One response to "Thankful Thursday Week #21"

  1. Rebekah says:

    I just love Jessie’s haircut! It is adorable! Love you all!

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