Judson's Legacy

Thankful Thursday Week #12

1.  The highlight of my week was a hand-written note in the mail from Susan, whom I have come to know since she engaged Judson’s story, lovingly reaching out to our family on many occasions.  She and her husband, Chris, who is a friend from my Biola days, are missionaries in Germany.  I am confident she has the gift of encouragement, for her words were like healing ointment penetrating deeply into my wounds, encouraging me in a very hard week.  It makes me so grateful for the body of Christ, to have brothers and sisters all over the world!

2.  Jessie and I had the chance to spend time this week with my niece, Abie; she is the epitome of a joyful, little peanut.   Abie is the cousin closest in age to Jessie and probably most similar in personality to our little bug: tough and tender all in one.  Seeing as cousins are the closest thing Jessie will now experience to siblings, it is such a gift to see them developing a relationship and I look forward to watching it grow over the years.


3.  We are blessed to attend a highly intergenerational church…I feel like I have been uniquely embraced by so many of the women a couple seasons ahead of me; they are consistently encouraging me, listening to me, and uplifting me on this journey that has become my life.  I recognize this is an uncommon gift for most women my age and I am tremendously grateful for the way God has placed these ladies in my life.

4.  Every morning when I wake up and open the blinds to our bedroom, I breathe deeply, taking in the beauty of the park right outside our home.  It is such a treat to look out our window and see Judson’s sycamore sapling amid the other greenry and vegetation gracing our “backyard.”  I am so thankful for Wilson park (aka Judson’s park).

The view from our bedroom window; Judson’s sappling is in the center of the picture.

5.  After the fiasco of Jessie swallowing nail polish this week, I am especially thankful for the health of our family.  I am very aware how quickly life can turn upside-down and each moment of health is a gift!

6.  Last Thursday, after Jessie had spent the day with Drake’s folks, she came home with a bag full of beautiful new clothes, gifts from her grandparents.  Her new outfits reminded me how our little girl has been clothed almost exclusively through the provision of others, whether through hand-me-downs or gifts.  What a blessing!

One of Jessie’s new outfits from grandma and her ballerina kitty from Auntie Rachel!

2 Responses to "Thankful Thursday Week #12"

  1. Dawn Mills says:

    Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your "Thankful Thursdays". Thanks for the reminder that we all have so much to be thankful for…large and small. I think of you and your family so often…
    Much love…

  2. Jenny says:

    Hey! Gracie has that same sweet Ballet Kitty with the book that goes with it and we love to read it over and over!

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