Judson's Legacy

Thankful Thursday Week #11

1.  Today I am typing this Thankful Thursday on my computer using a new lap-desk.  Several weeks ago our friends, the Robecks, had been in our home and noted that I was using the particle board backing from a picture frame under my laptop as a desk.  Yesterday we unexpectedly discovered a new lap-desk on our porch with a note of encouragement and support.  I am tremendously grateful for the Robecks who are undergirding us with thoughtfulness and love as we move forward in our ministry.  I am further thankful for my new lap-desk!

2.  This week I found myself particularly grateful that Jessie is such a good eater.  We can take her anywhere without worrying about what she will eat, seeing as she is willing to try just about anything.  This gift jumped out at me on Tuesday when we were out and about and Jess declared, “Mommy, can I have a snack?  Do you have broccoli for me?”   I happened to have brought broccoli and she proceeded to sit on a curb and devour a bag the little green trees.  I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Jessie-Girl and her eating habits are just another reason for me to be thankful.


3.  We finished filming for Judson’s documentary this weekend.  After months of regularly shooting (likely more than 50 hours of footage) it is hard to believe we are at the point where the project will now move into post production.  But as we release Jud’s story into the hands of the director, Peter, we cannot imagine a more tender, thoughtful, gracious person to trust with Jud’s story.  Peter has become a dear friend who is seeking to honor God and authentically share Hope through the journey of our boy.  It is a blessing to have been asked to do this documentary, and we are especially thankful for Peter who has engaged this project with his whole heart.

One response to "Thankful Thursday Week #11"

  1. Lora says:

    That is truely something to be thankful for with Jessie!! I would LOVE if my two youngest were better eaters! They happen to be VERY picky. Wow, eating brocoli is pretty amazing for someone her age!

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