Judson's Legacy

Strange Phenomenon

Jessie is reminding me more and more of Judson.  She has reached a stage that corresponds so significantly to my dearest memories of my little man.  Jessie is just as verbal, funny, cute, and sweet; her mannerisms, facial expressions, laugh, and voice closely parallel those of her brother.  Furthermore, the two of them have an uncanny family resemblance.

This is a very strange phenomenon; just on the heels of losing one child, I have another who is growing up with such likeness to the one who is dearly missed.  This creates complex and complicated blessings and challenges intricately woven into all my new experiences with Jessie—a parenting dynamic I never would have foreseen.


4 Responses to "Strange Phenomenon"

  1. 34449 says:

    They are both so beautiful… it is amazing how much they look alike!

  2. Ken says:

    Just look at their eyes !!!!!
    Ken. XX

  3. 34666 says:

    Wow! I knew they looked a like, but when you put their pictures together, it’s amazing! Those eyes, that cute little button nose and perfect little chin. Just amazing…

  4. 33705 says:

    After meeting Jessie at the symposium, it struck me right away that she resembled Jud quite closely…but with their pictures next to each other..wow. I can imagine it is difficult and wonderful all at the same time.

    Your family continues to be in my thoughts and prayers.

    With Much Love….
    Dawn Mills

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