Judson's Legacy

Special Messengers


We had the privilege of spending last week in upstate New York at the Krabbe Family Symposium sponsored by the Hunter’s Hope Foundation.  It is quite a blessing to be able to share life for several days with people who have walked a similar journey, people who know the searing pain of watching their son or daughter suffer, and many who have endured the loss of their beloved child.

We are moms and dads from all walks of life, with diverse backgrounds, who see the world from many different perspectives, but there is one beautiful thought that was so undeniably evident in the heart of each parent—that despite the intense heartache connected to loving a child with Krabbe disease, these children are the most amazing gift!

Each of these kids gives us a poignant, exquisite picture into the beauty of life and the gift of breath…

They stretch and grow the depths of our love.  They remind us what is truly important.  They feed our passions.  They reveal a grace that can only be found in weakness.  They render us powerless in a manner that builds our strength.  The souls of these children reach deep into the core of who we are and transform us.

In a world that might look into the face of one of these children with pity, we know without a doubt they are to be admired above all others.  Their frailty and brokenness, in fact, deems them worthy of greater honor, an honor that penetrates eternity wherein the blessedness of their souls will ultimately be revealed through the light of God’s Kingdom.

Tears flowed down my cheeks this week as I held the fragile frame of Trevor Aldrian, stroking his hair, brushing my hand against his soft skin, gazing into his penetrating eyes, and listening to his deep sighs.  It is as though the veil between heaven and earth was paper thin with each kiss of his forehead; I was holding an angel again—not a celestial being—but a special messenger of God.

What a gift we leukodystrophy parents have been given.  What an amazing gift!


8 Responses to "Special Messengers"

  1. Danny says:

    Wow Christina. What a moving experience for you. Thank you for sharing and expanding my world.

  2. Michal Ann says:

    Such priceless perspective. Thank you for your wise and grace-filled words.

  3. Sarah Dudko says:

    Lovely blog Christina, I hope you all had a lovely, special time together. xxxxx

  4. Robyn Morton says:

    God makes great beauty out of our brokenness and you have the amazing gift of seeing this beauty and sharing it so that all may see.

  5. Beautifully said my friend. I am so thankful that I have you to put such an eloquent voice to my heart. I treasure you! Kathleen

  6. Freya Remmer says:


    Your blog post today leaves me speechless… for many reasons, I imagine, but as I looked at that picture of you holding Trevor tears jumped to my eyes.

    Somehow your experience has given you a perspective that is such a gift… a beautiful and encouraging gift. Thank you.


  7. Name says:

    Wow, so well said. Thanks for taking us along this steep learning curve with you. And I loved Trevor’s shirt. =)


  8. angie Green says:

    You are making a difference for sure!!!! Love and Blessings, Angie

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