Not particularly significant on most fronts, but she is the precise age that Judson was when he got his first haircut. Therefore, we took our little lady to get her hair cut today at the same “Cool Cuts 4 Kids” location. She sat in the same fire engine chair and even had the same stylist—Therese.
These intentional choices to pattern things for Jessie based on past circumstances with Jud are not necessarily an effort to relive vicariously through Jessie certain special events with my boy, but rather, in a strange way, I want to provide opportunities for Jessie to feel “closer” to her brother through shared experiences with him. It breaks my heart that my two precious kiddos can no longer do things together, but maybe later on in life it will be meaningful to Jessie that she and her brother have commonality through such experiences.
Whatever my reasoning, my heart was filled with agonizing sentiment as I watched Jessie’s snipped hair fall to the ground today, much the same way it did with Jud when he was 28 months and 16 days old.

Thanks to Therese, Jessie’s hair looks great!
Oh wow, Jessie. You look sooooooooooooo grown up.
Happy Haircut.
Ken. XX
How interesting, and here in Russia most of parents do the first haicut to children when they turn 1 y.o. So Elias is near, and in my mom’s papers there’s already a small package with some Mike’s hair from his first haircut. And, she keeps as well a package with hair from my first haircut, too 🙂 (I have totally forgotten my INITIAL hair color, hehe, so it’s a good chance to look and see.)
Jessie looks great, I agree, she’s a little lady!
Jessie, you look so grown-up. I LOVE your new hair style. Did you know short hair makes it harder for the tangle-bugs to jump into your hair? At least that’s what Maggie says. Have fun with your new ‘do!!
Maggie McGuire and her mom 🙂
Jessie’s hair looks so cute! Love the photos!!
I think it’s a fantastic idea to allow Jessie to share experiences with Judson. I admire the deliberate, careful way you have chosen to keep them close.
Love to you all!
Oh Jessie~You look so beautiful with your new "do"….love your heart!!! We think it’s wonderful that mommy and daddy are trying to keep you and Jud close.
Love and hugs~
Jean and Gary
Love your hair Jesse it looks great. Thank you for sharing such a special moment with us Christina. Its great that you are keeping Judsons memory alive so that Jesse doesn’t forget him, you are an amazing mum. Praying that the Lord God Almighty will be your strength. God bless you all in 2009.
Love Wendy from N.I.
I remember reading all about Judsons haircut, Jessie looks just as cute!
Melanie xx