Judson's Legacy

Resurrection Day

Jesus is risen!

Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ, everything I believe would be rendered meaningless, void, false.  Jesus’ life and ministry holds value beyond any other because He lived a blameless life and then rose from the grave, paying the pardon for our sin. Eternal death was swallowed up for those who believe in Him.

Today, we celebrate the resurrection of the Living God. 

This Easter, like no other previously, holds new meaning, power, weight, and significance for me.  It is the only thing that brings lasting joy and hope to my heart.  We, who are united with Christ in this earthly existence, will be joined with Him in His resurrection.

From this truth springs all my hope…

I picture Jesus coming out of a tomb, brilliant with life, holding my precious boy who is vibrant, healed, and free of suffering.  Jesus is alive, and because Jesus is alive, Jud is alive too, and a place is being prepared for me to join them as well.

I will see Jud again.

I will see Jud again when I am united with the One who loves me so deeply, He gave His life for me.

Could this grieving mother have greater reason to celebrate and give thanks?

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