Judson's Legacy

Quindecennial Anniversary


Fifteen years.  Today is fifteen years since Drake and I stood at the altar, committing to walk through the ups and downs of life together ‘til death do us part. 

I’ve read how the quindecennial anniversary marks preservation, longevity, and abundance.  It is intended to commemorate treasured time as it’s flying by with clarity and transparency as the milestone markers.

Sweet sentiments—but they felt oddly empty to me.

The beauty and mystery wrapped up in our fifteen years of marriage was evident last night when we strangely found ourselves sitting on the tile floor of our bathroom, weeping together.  In the coldness of the night, feeling the vulnerabilities and instability of our current circumstances, there was a big, warm, familiar hand holding mine.   And as I looked into Drake’s eyes, I saw a man who not only knows my heights of joy and depths of pain but who has experienced those same joys and pains as his own.  We have truly been bound together.

So, as I see it, our fifteen years is marked by the grace of God preserving our love through the wretchedness of life whereby sitting together on a bathroom floor in tears actually reflects deep joy—the joy of genuine commitment expressed in one shared life.
What was happening in your life January 1996?

Categories: General Life, Marriage, Relationships


15 Responses to "Quindecennial Anniversary"

  1. Sandy says:

    Something I heard before, is that it takes the rain, the storms, to be able to see the beauty of the rainbows. Congrats on a marriage that is built on the foundation of God and his wonderful promises.

  2. Robyn Morton says:

    "Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years." ~Simone Signoret Blessings to you and Drake on your 15 years of marriage. The tears and the joys you have shared have also been shared by God, who brought the two of you together. Love you to both.

  3. Kristy says:

    Well,, since you asked……January 1996—I was living on Kelton Ave. in Westwood. I was training for my 3rd Olympic Trials in swimming, the 1996 Trials. Having recently completed my psych degree at UCLA the previous June, I was a ‘professional’ swimmer, training 11-13 times per week with the UCLA women’s team, in the water, in the weightroom or on the track. As a US National Team member, I received a *small* stipend from US Swimming to offset some costs; all other living expenses were covered by my AMAZING parents, about whom I can not say enough! Sigh…

    Sidenote: Ryan and I had recently resumed dating after a ‘break’—he finally came to his senses and realized he couldn’t live without me! HA!!!! 🙂

    Thanks to the both of you for setting such a beautiful example of a Godly marriage—congrats!

  4. Darlene says:

    Christine and Drake: "Happy 15 th Anniversary"!

  5. Freya Remmer says:

    Happy Anniversary! I have found that the hard times have really shown me who I’m married to… I often wonder if people who haven’t been through hard times together really, truly know their spouse’s character, you know. Maybe? Maybe not?

    I was an RD at Vanguard in January of 1996. It was a great job!

    I hope you enjoy a celebratory moment or two in honor of your love for one another. I’m sure you will…


  6. Michal Ann says:

    Happy Anniversary! The image of the two of you weeping together on the bathroom floor is curiously beautiful. You are more than conquerors.

  7. melanie says:

    Happy Anniversary to you both! I’m still so sorry about your pain and loss and grief. More often than not, marriages don’t survive the death of a child. But what you guys have together is beautiful and unique and thanks be to God for that indescribable gift. And I know Jessie – and Judson – are both grateful…

  8. aunt sue says:

    We were at your wedding . . . 🙂 Love and blessings and Happy Anniversary . . .

  9. Happy anniversary Christina and Drake! May the next 15 years be filled with much joy!

    In Jan. ’96 I was a freshman at Biola. I had just received my first Disney pass for Christmas and was using it well over interterm! =)

  10. Samanta says:

    Happy anniversary!!! You are a strong and wonderful couple!!!!
    In January 1996 I was 18 years old and I was in 2nd year at university studying accountancy! That year I began to teach English to children at public schools too! By the way, my brother Brian was almost 3 years old at that time, he reminded me of Judson!!
    A big hug!

  11. Rebekah says:

    Happy Anniversary, Drake

  12. Thanks for celebrating with us! This life has not been what we expected, but we are certainly glad to have each other! Our anniversary proved to be an extremely difficult day with some thing related to our home, but Drake took me on a fabulous date on Saturday with a walk down memory lane to some of the significant places in our life! It was wonderful!!! Kristy: I LOVE that you answered the question and that is so cool that you were training for the Olympic Trials…and awesome that Ryan came to his senses!!! Freya: it was just two months later that I became an RD at Biola. Very cool!! Aunt Sue: And we are so thankful to have had you there! Kristen: oh the beloved Disney pass when you first get to Biola…how cool!! I didn’t get my first Disney pass until after we got married and I was duran RD at Biola…I missed out during college!! 🙂

  13. susan t. says:

    God was SO GOOD to bring you two together.

  14. Denise says:

    Sorry that I’m late with Happy Anniversary wishes! God certainly joined 2 wonderful people together. 1996….wow! I was the mother of a 9th grader (Caleb) and an 11th grader (PJ). My life was CONSUMED with each of them participating in 3 sports, music lessons, Beta Club, Student Government, Y-Club, Chorus, PJ’s participation in the 1996 Olympic opening ceremonies, church activities/responsibilities (theirs, mine and my husbands), etc., etc…When I look back, it is such a blur! I think the majority of my life was spent in my car!!!! However, the shining light of that year was that I celebrated 20 years of marriage to my best friend, and this year will mark number 35 for us. I wish for you and Drake many, many more years together holding each others’ hands. Hugs!

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