Judson's Legacy

Long Forgotten


Life is strange.  We care so much about this temporary existence and yet it will all pass so quickly.

Yesterday as Drake and I walked through a graveyard in Whitby, England, I mourned not only for Judson but for others.  We passed from headstone to headstone near St. Mary’s Church and I noted that many of the grave-markers had been worn away over time.  I could no longer even read who was buried there or how long ago.  Furthermore, I imagined that all the loved ones of the deceased had now died as well and these people were probably completely forgotten…their lives that once seemed significant no longer mattered to anyone…it is likely that not a soul on earth grieves that they are gone anymore.

I couldn’t help but envisage Judson buried there…he matters so much to us that it hurts to imagine a day when no one will care that he is gone.  But it reminds me how fleeting this life can be—in the blink of an eye it passes.

However, glory to God that while a day will come on this earth when Judson is fully forgotten, I will have been reunited with my boy and I can bank on the truth that our little man will always matter in God’s kingdom!



2 Responses to "Long Forgotten"

  1. Jean and Gary Butler says:

    Oh Christina~You have so much wisdom….far beyond your years. You are so right about Judson always mattering in God’s Kingdom!
    Our journey here on earth is NOTHING compared to an eternity with our Lord.We are here but for a fleeting moment; then we are with HIM….oh what JOY that will be!JUD WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN BY GARY AND I…..NEVER EVER…AND THAT IS A PROMISE!!!!!!!!We love you so much~
    Jean and Gary

  2. Jen Gray says:

    Oh such a great reminder once again how fleeting our time here is and that we are to set our eyes on God’s kingdom. Sadly it takes the loss of a loved one here to remind us of that but I pray that through the reminders of trials we are trained to more easily set our sights on Heaven rather than this place which is not our home and these bodies which are not ours to keep.
    Thank you again!

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