Judson's Legacy

Little Voice

Anyone who has called me in the last year and a half and had to leave a voicemail notification has likely heard my outgoing message that has not been changed in almost two years.  What many do not know or realize, is that the voice at the end is my boy—my beautiful, beautiful boy who lost his voice and then his life.

I get comments from people leaving messages who say things like, “Oh, that’s so cute!  Such a sweet little voice!  What a fun message!” 

All of which are true, but I think to myself, “They have no idea.  They have no idea all the pain attached to that little voice.  They have no idea that young voice no longer lives.”

Amongst so many other things, I desperately miss Jud’s little voice.

Peace out my little buddy boo! 

You may need to wait a few seconds for greeting to start.


7 Responses to "Little Voice"

  1. Lora says:


    I know we have never met. But, your story has truely touched my heart. What a sweet recording that is. My heart hurts for your pain and I pray for you and your family often.


  2. Jeff Trammel says:

    Wish our five little voices were close to "help" fill the void. 🙂

    I miss Jud’s voice, too …

  3. Rachel says:

    That’s why I always love leaving you a message…what an amazing little boy!

  4. Allie says:

    Awww Juddy, Peace out. Peace OUT!

    I read a sign today, it said "Joy is in the journey, so enjoy the ride" and I thought of you.

    I’ve got you all in my prayers christina.

  5. Nicole Morris says:

    I found Grey’s laugh, that my 6-year-old recorded on my phone as they were playing, about a week after we lost him. Sometimes I just listen to it over and over. I sooooo get it Christina. It’s on the "My Family" page of his website, http://www.greysgift.com. Grey died from Krabbes on 12/12/08, just 6 days before his first birthday. Will I always feel this ache in my chest?

  6. Jean and Gary Butler says:

    Aw…I would hold on to that tape FOREVER…..as Allison said…"Peace out Juddy…peace out"!!!!!!!!
    Love you all so much!!!!!!!!!
    Jean and Gary

  7. hh says:

    Nicole (from post below), my heart breaks for you. I can’t begin to imagine the severe pain and loss that you, Christina and Drake, and others who have lost their precious children are going through and experiencing each day. You are all in my heart and in my prayers today. One moment and day at a time…may each of you feel God holding you and carrying you through the waves of grief.

    Christina, you’re on my heart all the time and I’m praying for you as you and Drake finish preparing for tomorrow–may the Lord speak through you and touch many hearts and lives as you share about your beautiful Judson. Love you guys, Heather

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