So while lying there deep in thought, I noticed they were getting up to leave, folding their lawn chairs with one hand while holding onto their walkers with the other; I lifted my head and said goodbye. They returned the pleasantries and I put my head back down, retreating into my own world again.
A few moments later I heard the gentleman quietly say, “Goodbye little chico, see you tomorrow.” And as I looked up out of the corner of my eye, I noticed he was blowing a kiss in the direction of Judson’s gravestone.
My heart swelled. He was talking to my little boy, my little chico.
Then he bent down with all the strength he could muster and kissed the granite stone engraved with the name of his baby daughter and in beautiful Spanglish whispered, “Te quiero mija, keep waiting por mi.”
Unable to hold it together, I burst into tears as the dear couple hobbled away, touched by their tenderness toward Jud and moved by their anticipation of reunion with their beloved daughter.
Later, about to leave, I leaned over to kiss Judson’s sweet porcelain photo as I always do, then whispered with intense emotion, “I love you my little chico, keep waiting for me.”
Ohh, your post was very intense and descriptive. I pictured all the situation in my mind while reading your words! Such a deep feeling of love is the one parents have toward our "chicos". As Spanish is my mother tongue, I’m able to imagine the feedback between you and Victoria’s parents in those brief conversations, in which feelings were above all word understanding.
But I cannot even imagine the grief and pain in the heart of the ones who have lost a loved one so soon.
Today all of you are in my prayers, especially Judson and Victoria.
Hugs and kisses
What a sweet couple your friends must be.
I don’t go to my dad’s gravesite very often as it isn’t nearby, but every now and then, I do tell the Lord "thank you" for keeping my daddy safe ’til I get there. It helps.
Wow Christy, pretty neat! aunt sue
How sweet
Someday soon love, someday soon love, there’ll be time for you and I love…
xo C
this brought me to tears Christina, continue to be blessed
Kenji’s mommy
I just wept over this…
so beautiful, Christina