Judson's Legacy

“Judson Working?”

While driving in the car yesterday evening, Jessie randomly blurted out, “Daddy’s Dake.”

“That’s right, Jessie, daddy is Drake,” I affirmed, then asked, “And what’s mommy’s name?” aware that she knew the answer, but wanting to hear her little voice articulate it.

“Mommy’s Kisstina,” she responded as if that was a silly question.

“Well done, Buggy!”

I hesitated for several seconds and then decided to complete the family equation by inquiring, “Who is your brother, Jessie?” not totally sure whether or not she knew the answer.

“Judson!” she immediately declared with enthusiasm and crystal clear articulation.

“You’re right, Jessie, Judson is your brother,” I said with an underlying sadness I could not hide.

We sat in silence for a bit and then Drake and I went back to our previous conversation.  A few moments later, our Ladybug’s voice could be heard again from the back seat, “Miss Jud,” she stated with sobering frankness.

“You miss Jud, Jessie?”

She confirmed her question with an emphatic nod.

“Oh, I miss Jud too.” I replied, affirming her thoughts while recognizing she was echoing the sentiments she hears so often from her grieving parents.

And then she surprised us with a question, “Judson at work?”

“Is Judson at work?” I restated the inquiry, trying to make sure I had heard properly.

She nodded her head and asked again, “Judson working?”

I paused to marvel at her question.  Was she really trying to determine the whereabouts of her brother?  Was she trying to make sense of why he is not with us?  Has she also come to associate work with missing her dad?  This was such a loaded question.

“Oh Jessie, Judson is in heaven…with Jesus…but he loves you very much,” I expressed, knowing it was an answer that does not yet make sense to her.

This is likely the start of many more questions yet to come, but what a delight to hear Jessie know and ask about her brother!  She may not yet be two, but her little mind should not be underestimated!!!

4 Responses to "“Judson Working?”"

  1. Christie says:

    She’s amazing!

  2. 33563 says:

    Thank you for sharing this sweet story. I cannot imagine how Jessie feels, not quite understanding where her big brother is.

    You guys are such a beautiful family.

    Praying for you often!

    Love, Marissa Shilling


  3. 33705 says:

    What a sweet story! It’s so hard to know what they understand at such a tender age…and hard not to feel they shouldn’t have to understand such. But how heartwarming that she thinks of and misses her brother. I know she will grow to be a loving little girl with the guideance of two wonderful parents and a very special brother watching over her. It was very much a joy to meet Miss Jessie.
    Continued thoughts and prayers for your family as you travel this journey.

  4. Jodi says:

    Jessie is a smart little girl… and she is very smart 2 know and miss her brother. she has been raised by good parents.judson is in heaven and he is looking over the levasheff family. Jesus will take good care of Judson. One day i wish 2 be in heaven. that krabbe disease is awful. and especially 4 a 2 year old little boy.Jesse is a lucky sister 2 have a brave big brother>>>***

    Love, an 11 Year old Girl that Cares About Jud

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