Judson's Legacy

Hope in the Desert


There have been many moments along this journey where I have been blown away by the love we receive from others.  There have been other times I have been blown away by the creative ways people have found to love us.  And especially now, I am blown away when people continue to be mindful of us, pouring out love even though all the drama is over and there has been significant passing of time.

A recent gift was a merging of all three…and it blew me away!

Some friends, whom I had actually never met before but have followed our journey, asked if they could meet me at our park for a playdate.  When they arrived with hugs and smiles for me, they also gifted me with a beautiful planter of “Jud’s Buds”.  I was incredibly touched by the gift, but moved even further by their thoughtfulness when they began to describe the reasoning for selecting each plant and its meaning.


Aloe: the healing plant.  “May your heart find peace through the healing power of God’s love.”

Thyme: symbolizes courage.

Bay Leaf: symbolizes victory; means to praise.  “In honor of Judson’s name meaning ‘worthy of praise’ and he has experienced true victory.”

Rosemary: stands for love, friendship, and remembrance.

Verbena: the earliest bloomer in it’s family; attractive to butterflies.

Judd Viburnum: “While the Israelites were in exile, God offered a vision of hope—all kinds of plants growing in the desert. (Isaiah 41:19)’

And that’s exactly what these friends did.  They offered me hope in my dessert, both by these tangible living and thriving plants and also by their unexpected love.

*Thank you Jenn, Nicole, and Misty.  I was so touched by the three of you!

5 Responses to "Hope in the Desert"

  1. Rebekah says:

    Oh!! How beautiful!! And meaningful!

    What an amazingly thoughtful and unique gift. Thanks to God for His continuing care for you…

    And what a beautiful young lady Jessie is becoming! I love the photo of her. Wish we could give you all hugs in person. 🙂

  2. Katy says:

    WOW! That is beautiful!

  3. Sandy Mitchell says:

    What a beautiful and thoughtful gift! It is so wonderful to hear and know how well people can love one another. Jessie is completely adorable and I love Jud Bud’s little garden. I know Jessie is going to do a great job helping take care of it!

    Lots of love to you all,


  4. Christie says:

    Thank you for sharing with us how these new friends blessed you.

  5. Cathy Horner says:

    Tears of happiness for you! What a thoughtful way of expression through this lovely gift~You are thought of more then you realize; by so many!!!!

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