Judson's Legacy



Dear Readers…

Many of you have engaged my blog now for over three years, others of you have stumbled upon my journey more recently…whether long-time readers or new, and whether known to me or not, your desire to engage the depths of my heart has been a true gift. 

But now I must confess, somewhere along this path I feel as though I lost my grip on what originally compelled me to write—what was once simply my raw, honest thoughts made public, at times became an effort to please my readers and was periodically driven by pressure to keep people engaged.  I began to care too much about what others think when I write.

I am acutely aware of my need to get back to the raw, honest journaling that originally brought life to my soul.  And the best way I know how to do that is to remove those temptations to “please” and get back to simple, private writing for personal growth and expression. 

For quite some time I have been contemplating a blog-writing sabbatical, but recent circumstances have confirmed to me that now is the time to take a break.

So I am planning an indefinite blogging hiatus; I don’t know if it will be weeks or months but I am going to take time to refocus my writing.  At some point I expect I will begin blogging again, though I know not the form or function, but for now I am putting things on hold.

Though I am confident I am making the right decision, it carries great weight for me and I am saddened by the possibility of losing connection to you, my readers, but more than anything I pray I might be able to see God move and work anew, hoping to have a renewed sense of purpose when I return.  

During my blogging pause, I will make a more conscious effort to update people on any significant happenings in our lives through Levasheff Updates and I will continue to share our Joys of Jessie.

If you want to be informed when I resume my personal blog, you can request email notifications by clicking “Connect with Us” on the left-side toolbar and then clicking “Subscribe.”

Most of all, I want to underscore how valuable your support as a reader has been to me, and in many ways has upheld me on this incredibly difficult path I’ve been walking.  As I ask God to speak deeply to my heart during this time, my prayer is that he will do the same for each of you.

With much love and gratitude,

18 Responses to "Hiatus"

  1. Christie says:

    Have a good hiatus!

  2. Amy Dresher says:

    I will miss reading your blog and am sad to see you take time off but I understand why you are doing it. I pray that your hiatus will be exactly what you need! I am glad that I can still see updates on your life through FB at least! All the best to you and your family!

    God Bless,

  3. Traci says:

    Hi Christina,

    I will certainly continue to pray for you as you take a brak from your writing. I’ll miss reading your thoughts but I’m glad that you’re doing what you need to. I love you, friend! I look forward to seeing you next year when we’re around!

    Love, Traci

  4. Christina,
    You have walked and crawled through a rugged journey of body, mind and spirit in challenges and loss. In the words of Jesus, â??Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.â?? For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat." …..it is now time for you to take your rest from the cares and busyness of people. places and things. The wholeness of Christina can only be balanced by the holiness of and intimacy with the Savior. Breathe deeply and rest well. We’ll be here when you return.

  5. Samanta says:

    Will certainly be here when you return. Hugs and support all the way down from Argentina, Sam, Martin and Victor.

  6. Thank you so much Christina. Your blogs were there for me at the time I needed them most in my grief. You truly blessed me and comforted me. I will remember you and Drake in my prayers. Enjoy that little Jessie.

  7. melanie says:


    When I saw the title "Hiatus," my immediate thought was "Good for her!" Though your thoughts and reflections will be missed, your decision makes perfect sense. I am confident this will be a new season of God working in you and count me as one of the many who will look forward to your return to the blogosphere, whenever that may be. Bless you, friend. Good things ahead!

    =), melanie

  8. Jody Casares says:

    Oh, Christine, please know that I have been so blessed by your writing. I am happy that you are getting back to basics…doing it for you and for the Good Lord. I so understand that sometimes you just need to bare it all, but not for anyone else, but for your peace. I will miss your writing, but now I have more to look forward to if you decide to share again in the future. Our Lord Jesus will guide you in the right direction, He always does!! Thanks for all you do and I will be looking out for you on Facebook!!!


  9. Samanta says:

    Dear Christina, I hope this pause in writing and getting a bit away from the concerns of what others may think of your words will renew your beautiful writing spirit and the way to communicate your inner feelings. It’s true sometimes there are things that must be kept inside our souls and hearts… so I will pray for you to God to give you the comfort you need in this new journey!!
    I will certainly be here when you come back! I’m 5 1/2 months pregnant, maybe when you return I will be able to tell you about my new baby boy or girl :).
    Today it’s friend’s day in Argentina… so I’m very happy to consider ourselves friends despite distances! Have a happy friend’s day Christina!
    A big hug!!!

  10. Robyn says:

    I’ve wondered how long it would be before you realized that you needed a break. Our prayers will continue to be with you and Drake and Jessie and we will be here when you need us again. I know that God is leading you through this and you will continue to grow in your faith. All our emotions cannot be lived on a stage–I commend you for being wise enough to know when you need some time for yourself. Give that Jessie girl hugs and kisses from Dweebie! I am so proud of you!!

  11. Tammy says:

    Prayers and love to you…I too at times need to take a step back and reevaluate if what I am doing is what he wants…or my own wants or others wants and desires. Give it to him….He will answer…

  12. susan says:

    I’ll miss your blogging, but I’m sure you are so right – that this is exactly what you need. I’ll look forward to keeping up through your Updates and Jessie posts – and later on here, if you decide to pick up again. We’ll continue to pray.

  13. Angie Green says:

    Dear Christina,
    I can understand your decision to cease blogging – you have been consistent and faithful and you have a lot of living to do with Drake and Jessie. I "hear" your heart and believe you are making the right decision for now.

    Bless you all! Love in Christ, Angie

  14. Anna says:

    God bless you, Christina, as you continue to seek Him.

  15. Dear Christina,
    I pray that you will find the next path and I am sure that you will. Don’t feel bad to lose your connection with your readers, as one so aptly put it, we will be there when you return. Change is is inevitable. God bless you. Betsy

  16. Hi Christina
    thanks for sharing your heart so beautifully once again. I will be praying for you during this hiatus that God will clearly direct you in how He want to use this time and how He wants to continue to use your writing. I love hearing your heart. It always speacks to me.
    Have a good "rest" Love to your family.

  17. Kristy says:


    You are a true woman of God who values following the Lord more than anything else. He will surely honor your decision! While I will miss your blog, I look forward to your updates and am excited for what God has in store for you as you head into a new season! Love to you!

  18. Kristy says:

    Prayers of peace, rest, clarity…and love.

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