Today is Thanksgiving.
Though we are overcome with grief, we also have numerous reasons to be thankful. As I pondered all the blessings in my life, something struck me…
It is actually through and out of this experience with Judson that I have tasted God’s love for me more deeply than ever before. This is truly confounding. Let me say it again, through the suffering and death of my son Jud, I feel more loved by God than any time previously in my life.
How can this be?
God has spoken deeply to my heart. He has strengthened me when facing what seems to be the impossible. He has comforted me in the darkest of valleys. He has given me peace in the greatest of storms. Moreover, and most dramatically, I have felt God pour out his love on us through the hearts of people. I cannot imagine being loved better through affliction and grief. We have been touched in countless ways through the faith, encouragement, generosity, thoughtfulness, acts of service, and empathy of others. It has been incredible!
One might say that the love of others does not reflect God’s love, but merely the kindness of humanity. I have seen otherwise. It has been clearly evident that God has moved on the hearts of people in unnatural ways to reach out to us; many have even testified of this in their lives during this circumstance. Our Father has mobilized his people to be His hands and feet-to love supernaturally.
I have felt His love. I have felt it deeply. I am forever changed.
So this Thanksgiving my heart abounds with gratitude for the community of believers who have shown me just how much God loves me. Thank you!