Judson's Legacy

First Public Appearance

Our lady is wearing the Hunter’s Hope necklace she received for her performance.

Our family had the blessing of attending the annual Hunter’s Hope Krabbe Family Symposium a few weeks ago and Jessie thoroughly enjoyed her time.  A highlight of the experience proved to be the children’s talent show.  Jessie had gone back and forth throughout the week about whether or not she wanted to dance at the event, but just before the final performance she confirmed her entry and hopped on “stage” for her first public appearance as a dancer.  Drake and I proved to be the doting parents on the sideline grinning from ear to ear with pride.  Enjoy!!

8 Responses to "First Public Appearance"

  1. Cr says:

    So Awesome! Loved hearing you guys cheering her on and all the flashes from the cameras going crazy! SO GREAT!

  2. ISo very happy to hear from my "new friend"–Miss Jessie. Her first performance was fantastic. I see she has the rythym to the music and i think she should continue. I know "my little Mr.Juddy had the best time watching her and he probably "shook a leg" right along with her. I am so happy to hear again from you. Please keep in–touch when you can even though your schedule must be hectic. I feel like you are part of my family now and I can’t get you "and yours out of my heart".thanks again for the video —it was too cute. All my love Mama Nick…

  3. Samanta says:

    Jessie is so adorable!!!! I could hear you and Drake encouraging her!!! 🙂 Such a joy to watch her in action!!! She was really a star with a lot of camera flashes!!! wowww

  4. Ken says:

    Where would you be without Jessie?
    Where would we all be without Jessie to lighten our lives?
    Thank you.
    Ken. XX

  5. Oh my gosh, we loved this….you guys are such wonderful parents!!!! Jessie so makes us smile…love her so much!!!! Jean and Gary

  6. Kristy says:

    So cute Christina!!

  7. Sandy says:

    What a beautiful little girl, she dances like an angel and I can see she has so much talent. I know you’re so proud of her. The love in your family is so precious. I wish other families had this much.
    God bless you sweet little girl, your family and your precious life. God will use you greatly.

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