Judson's Legacy

Couldn’t Resist

I couldn’t resist posting this portrait of Jessie in her ladybug costume.  Oh, I just want to eat her up—she exudes such preciousness!  I’m so grateful for our little bug!!!



7 Responses to "Couldn’t Resist"

  1. Joel and Jessica Johansen says:

    I’m glad you posted this!! What an adorable little lady bug Jessie is!! 🙂

  2. Allyson Stevenson says:

    Sooooooooooo sweet!!!!!! I can see why you couldn’t resist! Love it!
    Stevenson Family

  3. Rebekah says:

    TOO CUTE!! What a smile!

  4. Melanie MacPherson says:

    Could she be any cuter!!!! i think not


  5. Sandy Mitchell says:

    She is sooo precious! She has the sweetest smile!

  6. Jean and Gary Butler says:

    We are so glad you shared Jessie’s events with us.She is just BEAUTIFUL!!!! Little girls are just so precious.How blessed you are.
    We love you guys~
    Jean and Gary

  7. Audrey Lacanienta says:

    Jessie is so adorable and beautiful!
    Also wanted to say I regularly read your blogs, and your words just touch my heart as a mother, as a believer.

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