Judson's Legacy

Circle of Influence


A young, 11-year-old girl, Sarah White, contacted me a little while ago and informed me that she had discovered Judson on YouTube and was so moved by him that she wrote a paper about Jud for school.  She shared about our boy and Krabbe disease with her classmates which led some of her peers to engage Judson’s story online and become Facebook fans of Jud too.

I was really struck by the manner in which a young lady her age so beautifully used her circle of influence to make a difference, raising awareness of Krabbe disease, and touching our hearts as well.

So often as adults, I sense that the concept of “go big or go home” can actually hinder us from putting out the effort in smaller ways that can still have an impact.  I am reminded of the story by Loren Eisley of the beach covered in starfish…

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed
a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. 

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”

The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. 
The surf is up and the tide is going out.  If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

“Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? 
You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish,
and threw it back into the surf.  Then, smiling at the man, he said…
“I made a difference for that one.”

Sarah has emphasized to me that our efforts to make a difference need not change the world, but simply by being faithful to use our passions, resources, and areas of influence, we can have an impact, even if only for a handful of starfish.


Here is Sarah’s paper, published with permission:

Judson is a typical little boy.  He loves to play with his cars and trucks. His mother and father are Christina and Drake Levasheff.  Judson is so smart and happy.   Judson always had a smile on his face.  Although I have never met Judson or his family, his story inspires me.   Judson is diagnosed with Krabbe disease when he is 2 years old. Although Judson does not know what is coming ahead he will be strong.

After one month with Krabbe, Judson begins to lose all control of his limbs.  Even though Christina and Drake are hurting ever so badly they always have a smile for Judson.

Judson had a little sister.  Her name is Jessie.  As Jessie grows and Judson’s disease progresses Jessie will talk and Judson will try to repeat her but the disease is stopping him from talking.  He is also going blind and losing all the control of him limbs.

Judson is now 3 months into his fight, and is still very strong.  Christian and Drake are still smiling through everything for their little ball of joy!  As I was watching one of Judson’s videos I saw Judson say something that will make even the toughest person smile, Judson was playing with his mother and must have heard something when he said “Who’s there? Come in!”  Again I have never met Judson’s family but his story inspires me to be a better person everyday and never to take life and the people you love for granted because you might not be there tomorrow.

As Judson’s fight is growing, Judson becomes weaker each day.  Now Judson had gone mute, has lost his sight, and has lost most control of his limbs. I would have never thought that I would care this much about someone that I have never met.

Judson is 5 months into Krabbe and has lost everything.  As I was watching another one of Judson’s videos I saw a little red casket.  I knew that in that casket was a smart, strong, and no longer in suffering Judson Levasheff.  I now know that God has a special place in His heart for all of us and he took Judson out of suffering and pain.

Judson was loved by so many people and was taken out of this world at a very young age.  But we all know that God took him because He doesn’t want to see any of His children suffer. We all know that Judson will live in everyone’s heart for eternity.

9 Responses to "Circle of Influence"

  1. How incredibly precious! What a lovely and loving young woman Sarah is. I bet her and sweet Jud would have adored each other. Special parents raising special children..another circle of influence!


  2. Ken says:

    Almost in tears.

    Ken. XX

  3. denise says:

    Ohhh….I want to adopt her! What a sweet essay. It is simply amazing the ways that God continues to use Jud!!!

  4. Robyn Morton says:

    Out of the mouths of babes…..what a beautiful, insightful paper written by a child who realized the heart of Judson is a powerful tool used by God to reach others. Thank you for sharing.

  5. aunt sue says:

    What a special gift for you, Christy and Drake, Sarah’s story.

  6. Im so terribly sorry for the loss of Judson.. it really touches my heart… Sarah, your paper is great and it’s wonderful that you noticed this.. God bless you all,

  7. Sarah White says:

    oh my gosh this is my paper 🙂 i cannot belive it thank you to all who have read it im in tears thank you so much christina 🙂
    God Bless,

  8. sarah white says:

    I just cannot thank all of you guys enough…
    God Bless,

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