Judson's Legacy

Birthday Wish


Today is my birthday and the greatest gift I could have received after the distribution mishap last week was to have Eyes that See finally available nationwide.

Well, I got my birthday wish!

My publisher called this morning and said that the kink in distribution has been worked out.  The ball is moving again and Judson’s story is now officially released, proving to make this a blessed birthday, indeed!

Find the book now at:
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

It is expected to be available very soon at:
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

If you purchased an early-release copy of Eyes that See and have been touched by Judson’s story, we would be honored if you would take the time to visit the sites above and write a brief online review.  Online reviews make a significant impact on readership and each review counts!

Furthermore, if you didn’t get a chance to check out part 2 of our interview with Christian Book Notes, we were asked some good, relevant questions.  You can read the interview here.

By simply reading this blog post you have joined in my birthday celebration and I am grateful!!  Thank you for your support, for riding this roller coaster of life with us, and for sharing Judson’s story with others!

8 Responses to "Birthday Wish"

  1. Samanta says:

    Really happy you finally got your birthday wish Christina!!!!
    Great pic!!!

    Have a happy, happy birthday!!!!

    With love,

  2. Kristy says:

    Wonderful news!

  3. Anna says:

    Happy birthday, Christina! May God’s blessings be on you, your family, and Judson’s book.

  4. Aw, we are so happy for you….love your heart!!!!
    What a wonderful Christmas present.
    Love you so much~
    Jean and Gary

  5. Brian says:

    Happy Birthday!

  6. Christina,
    Sorry I missed your birthday, we were out of town and I wasn’t always omputer accessible. Belated best wishes…hope you had a wonderful day.


  7. Freya Remmer says:


    I just read your blog from yesterday right now. I have a little surprise for you, and I wanted to surprise you, but I had to tell you…

    I sent you a present in the mail yesterday. (It’s just small and I sent it via Drake at Vanguard). But the reason I’m telling you is that I did not read your birthday blog yesterday, yet I sent you a present. I felt prompted to send it to you (hopefully you’ll like it), but as I read your blog this morning, I thought how good God is to get me to send you a present without me even knowing it was your birthday. I feel encouraged, and hopefully you do too! God’s prompting strangers to send you birthday presents… you certainly are the apple of his eye.

    (The present itself is not that big of a deal, but the Holy Spirit’s work is a big deal, you know!)

    Happy Birthday!


  8. Barbro says:

    Happy birthday!I pray that you are having a nice birthday together with friends and family! God bless you!
    Greetings from Barbro in Norway

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