Dear Judson,
It’s my birthday. I miss you terribly.
I have been asked many times what I want for my birthday and in each instance I just want to answer “Jud.” I crave you more than everything this world has to offer. All the wealth, wisdom, health on this earth could be bestowed upon me and I would turn it down in a second to be with you. I want you more than anything!
In recognizing this desire, it brings to light what Jesus desires of me-that I would be willing to sacrifice everything for Him. Ironically, since losing you Judson, this seems to be becoming easier. Being without you brings such perspective to my life.
As I weep uncontrollably over what has occurred since my last birthday, I want it to shape how I live the rest of my life. Teach me, Judson, teach me!
P.S. I can remember your voice as you would sing “Happy Birthday” and imagine you singing it to me now. I love you!