Judson's Legacy


In the year 2008 Jessie grew from 16 months to 28 months old.  It is absolutely incredible how much a little life can change in that period time.  Most notably Jessie has far more hair, can carry on full conversations, runs and jumps, sings, and is several inches taller.  Each moment I spend with her leaves me in awe that I have been given the gift of being her mom.

Before Judson died, I used to regularly sing the following made-up song (to the tune of Jessie’s Girl by Rick Springfield).

I love my little Jessie Girl
And my big Judson Boy
What kind of mom gets kids like that?
A fortunate mom gets kids like that!

I still sing it regularly to Jessie.  I have been given two amazing kiddos and continue to consider myself very fortunate to be their mom!

I look forward to seeing how Jessie grows and develops in 2009.

Thought this might be as good a place as any to show how
Judson and Jessie have the same smile when they are painting.
Judson is 23 months and Jessie is 27 months in these pictures.


4 Responses to "16-28"

  1. Jamie says:

    WOW! I was first struck by your BEAUTIFUL Christmas princess…then again by the strikingly similar artists’ grins! Precious!

  2. Rebekah says:

    She’s such a cutie pie! I bet her joy and zest for life are an extra-special blessing right now.

  3. Jean and Gary Butler says:

    Oh my gosh…Jessie is so beautiful!!!!!! (and that picture of the two of them painting is uncanny…wow…they look so much alike…it is amazing)…how blessed you all are!!!!!!!
    We love you so much~
    Jean and Gary

  4. Ken says:

    Dear Jessie, You certainly are a joy. May you always be so.
    Regarding No.5. You certainly are.

    Ken. XX

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