Judson's Legacy


In our journey of grief and sorrow, we have regularly been “warned” that anniversaries can be far more difficult than the average day of loss.  I have frequently wondered what makes these days more challenging, seeing as the loss itself remains unchanged.  Why would these particular days be harder?

I am beginning to understand.

What has been happening as an anniversary approaches, is the memories from that day flood my mind.  They replay over and over.  In turn, my new emotions of grief and sorrow are forced to mix with the emotions that were present on the day being remembered.  It is a double whammy!  And I view the anniversary with a profoundly new understanding from the hindsight I now walk in each day.

Tomorrow, Friday, June 13th, is the anniversary of the date in time that marks, in our minds the start of Judson’s journey as a boy plagued by wretched disease.  It begins the season of multiple disabling memories.

Oh God, grant us comfort!

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