Judson's Legacy

Christina Levasheff

Turning Twenty!

This post celebrates the author’s son, Jud, on his 20th birthday, reflecting on the profound love experienced since he entered her life. Despite his passing, she finds solace in memories and imagines their reunion, believing his spirit lives. Her enduring love transforms daily life.

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18 Years Old

18 Years Old

Dear Jud… It’s hard to believe you’d be turning eighteen today. I’m finding this especially jarring and hard to swallow. Maybe it’s for the same reason any parent might experience…it means letting go of your childhood.  But your childhood already became intangible to me—after 3 years you were frozen as a preschooler. I’ve been left

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Lost In My Grief

Lost In My Grief

I feel a little lost today. Lost in my grief. It’s raining. Raining so hard that I think we won’t be able to decorate your grave for the first time in 14 years. This makes me sad. And it leaves me a little lost. It’s the simple way we’ve come to celebrate you on your birthday…

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Twelve Years

Judson & Mommy

Dear Jud Bud… I find myself longing for a new photograph of the two of us together. Longing. And longing. And longing. But there are none. Nor will there be. I repeatedly gaze at the same handful of pictures of you and me…I’ve been staring at these same ones for twelve years now. It’s heartbreakingly

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